"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

I've moved!

The Articulate{1} blog has moved to articulate1.tumblr.com. Please stop by for a visit!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Momma Nanc' vs. Weeds

Well, I still need to fully transition into the new Tumblr blog, but I have some Momma Nanc' quotes to share in the meantime...

It was Father's Day yesterday (Happy Dad's Day!), but Momma Nanc' stole the show from my Pops as we sat on the deck at our cabin overlooking the lake Sunday morning while drinking Bloody Marys.  We had quite the interesting convo regarding weeds.  I was flanked by my parental unit, Momma Nanc' was seated to my left and my Pops to my right.  Momma Nanc' vehemently discussed her dislike of weeds, saying they were worse than mosquitoes.  I disagreed since a weed isn't going to suck my blood, but I just let Momma Nanc' go off on her little rant.  The best part was my Pops just responded to her in this quiet, calm, nonchalant way.
Momma Nanc':  "I pulled a weed out the other day and it was the size of a shrub!"
Pops:  "Yup."
Momma Nanc':  "And I laid it out on the table and said, 'Dry out you piece of crap!'"  (She may or may not have said 'crap'.)
Pops:  "She's the only one I know who has a conversation with weeds."
Momma Nanc':  "When I get to heaven that might be the first question I ask God!  'Why in the hell did you create weeds?!'"
Pops:  "To test your fortitude Nancy Erickson Langseth."
Oh, bless her...AND him!  I love my parents.  They consistently entertain me and constantly love me.  What more could I ask for?!