Dear Blog World,
So it's been a while since my last post and I have much to share...
After freaking out over the possibility of returning to my hometown in North Dakota I was presented with an opportunity that I could not refuse. Truly, I would be dumb if I did. I made the rational decision to commit to working as a Rental Agent for a year in Minot. I think it will be an excellent opportunity to gain valuable work experience and I'm looking forward to having a steady source of income. I started work a week and a half ago and am enjoying what I am doing. Pretty much, I am to showing houses and apartments what Vanna White is to turning letters.
Another plus for moving home is that my parents are fixing up a little Craftsman house that I will be able to inhabit for the year. Rent will be incredibly reasonable and it is going to be so much fun decorating my first place. The house is charming and has great character. I'm super stoked that I will have an office with old French doors
and an art studio with big windows. I'm feeling very inspired to write, paint, and draw... I can't wait to get into my hizzouse!
Returning to the NoDak will also be beneficial in giving me time to evaluate where I am in my life and where I want to be. Once I get settled into a bit of a routine I can really focus on if I want to return to school and if so, pursue that whole-heartedly. I think that this is the perfect opportunity to reflect on and examine my passions, strengths, weaknesses, and dreams. I'm really trying to embrace my time spent here in Minot and grow as a person in every way I can.
Anywho... I'm a bit scatterbrained at the moment, so I will conclude here. The Giants are playing the Cowboys and I'm trying to pay attention to the game... Go Giants!
Many laughs and much love,