"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

"Don't worry dude, MTV gonna pimp your ride!"

I just do not understand the fascination with "tricking out" vehicles unworthy of being pimped. Example: I saw a Pontiac Aztec with rims.

Excuse me, rims on a Pontiac Aztec? Really? Rims don't go with an Aztec at all. That vehicle is made for the "great outdoors." It even has its own little tricks for the camping life and what not, so by no means are rims necessary on a Pontiac Aztec.

Furthermore, just yesterday I cringed--and okay I admit it, I laughed, I'm guilty--when I came across a Ford Focus all done up. The hatchback "Hocus Focus" had extremely tinted windows, the clear light biznass, and a vented sporty hood. But to top it off, a personalized license plate stated the "obvious." It read, "2 PHAT."

Whhhyyyyy? I just don't get it! Why would you spend more money on a Ford Focus then you need to?! That little hatchback should be deemed "unpimpable" and come with the warning of, "DO NOT TRICK OUT." And don't even get me started on people who buy the plastic spinners from Wal.Mart. The only thing that is worse than that are cars with two plastic spinners. At least buy a complete set! Please, I beg you. Oh, and puh-lease do not paint your car sherbet orange. Here's a good rule of thumb, avoid pastel colors all together. And finally, if possible (and this should be possible) steer clear of spoilers that could double as dining room tables.

Okay, maybe I'm being mean. If pimping your "unpimpable" ride makes you happy, well then, good for you. By all means, be happy. But I can seriously think of better ways to spend money, like donating it to charity, stocking your kitchen with groceries, and buying new shoes. The list goes on. And hey, if you want to spend money on your car, why not just fill up your gas tank, change the oil, wash it, tune it up, rotate the tires... That's money well spent.

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