"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

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Friday, March 9, 2007

Desperate Times call for desperate measures...

A few days ago I was finishing my hosting shift at the restaurant I work at around 3:00 p.m. when a woman came to the host stand. She was in her late thirties to early forties, well dressed, and somewhat frantic.

"Hi! I have a flight to catch and this is a really random favor, but all of the airport parking lots are full and I was wondering if maybe someone could help me by coming with me to the airport and then bringing my car back here and then my husband will pick it up later," she said in literally one breath.

I was somewhat taken aback by the desperation hanging in her voice, but I offered to help. "Well, I just finished working so I can go with you," I stated.

"Are you serious? I'll pay you! How much do you want?"

"Oh really, it's not a problem," I replied. And it wasn't. I was indeed done working and the airport was and is maybe a ten minute drive from where I work, so why not help her out? After all, if I were in her position I'd hope that someone would help me out as well.

I told my manager the situation and he gave me a concerned look. "Do you know her?" he asked. I told him that I didn't, but that I could "take her" if need be. I wasn't concerned though because she seemed like a nice woman who was really just in need of spur of the moment random help.

So I followed her to her car, which was a nice Volvo, and got in. She told me her name was Becky and that she was so appreciative of my help. "This is the most random thing I've ever done," she added. I said that I understood that desperate times call for desperate measures and that I was happy to help. She mentioned that she tried to get a cab, but that it was going to be a twenty minute wait--twenty minutes she didn't have to spare as she was off to Chicago for a business trip in which her boss would be picking her up.

During our brief drive we talked about how I was in search of a career, Oprah, and that the parking lots were full because of spring break. As we were nearing the drop off zone Becky's husband called her. He was obviously getting back to her after receiving a panic stricken voice mail. Becky gave him the 411.

"I made a new friend and she is coming with me to the airport and then is taking my car back to the restaurant and then you and Sara need to pick it up later. She'll leave the keys under my seat." She said all of this in, again, literally one breath.

"Are you serious?" he asked somewhat dubiously. Then he said, "Just give her the car. Does she need a car?"

We both laughed and she continued on with her conversation. She noted that she got my name and phone number because she wanted to pay me and said that I was looking for a job, so he should try and help me out. Then she pulled to a stop outside of the airport doors, quickly got out of the car, and flew open the back door pulling out her suitcase. With her cellphone in her left hand and up to her ear and her purse and suitcase in tow in her right hand she thanked me and rushed off to catch her flight. Typical business woman, right?

"Nice to meet you. Have a safe trip!" I said and then climbed into the front seat. I adjusted the seating position and mirrors and slowly drove away, laughing to myself the whole drive. I couldn't believe the amount of trust this woman had. I could have easily drove away with her vehicle!

I was very thankful that I didn't get pulled over or get in a car accident because would I have some explaining to do to the authorities! But the drive was just fine and I parked the car in the restaurant lot and locked the doors with the keys inside as I said I would. The whole experience was random and extremely joyful. Becky was so appreciative and it just really made my day that I could help keep her day rolling as planned. Again, the trust was absolutely awesome and I'm thankful I had the opportunity to help.

1 comment:

ShaunaAnderson said...

Annie what the heck...you never told me this, I had to be randomly bored and ready your busines to find out. And to think I share all kinds of random things with you. Well miss you!