"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

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Sunday, March 4, 2007

It can't be March already, can it?!

Well February certainly came and went, didn't it? Cripes. I only managed one posting? Oh well, I'm sure you (whoever you are) didn't mind. I have my reasons for not posting, however...

First of all, my days have been filled with work. I obtained a serving job at a restaurant in St. Paul. I wish that it was a bit closer to home for my gas guzzling truck's sake and for my wallet's benefit. I also wish that I earned more moolah, which is again for my wallet's benefit. While I'm making wishes here I should inform you that my biggest wish of all is that I had an actual career with an eight to five, Monday through Friday job complete with a nice salary and solid benefits package, paid vacation... Sigh. But even though it's not much, it is a job and I am thankful for that. I also enjoy the opportunity to interact with people. I'm so much more alive when I can make people happy. And though I realize that I can't live for others, for I live only for God, I can live so that others might live a happier life. Yeah, yeah I know that I'm only a waitress, but for the time being I can make the world a better place, one table at a time.

My other excuse for the lack o' blogging is extremely valid for I have not had a working computer for quite some time. My iBook officially died a couple of months ago after a long and hard fought battle. It's really my fault. I loved my iBook, but I tried to make an improvement to it which ended up being a terrible setback that it never fully recovered from. Excuse me, I just need a moment here... Okay, I've composed myself. So after the demise of my computer I turned to my brother's old school clam shell/toilet seat looking iBook. That was working a-ok, but then the battery died after the adapter broke. Thankfully my parents were nice enough to help us out with the purchase of a new battery and adapter; those two parts alone added up to a $250 bill. I'd love a brand spanking new, full loaded iBook, but being I couldn't even afford to foot that bill I'm sticking with sharing my brother's computer. Anyway, since I was without internet there was to be no blogging from me. I was going through withdrawals, but I think that an internet free life has been good for me. I had become too dependent, some might say addicted, to various legal and non-creepy internet activities (i.e. checking my Facebook and email, visiting my favorite sport and celebrity websites, watching random YouTube videos). Now I don't feel the urge to check my email thirty-two times a day. It's a good thing. However, I have been frequenting many car websites in search of an affordable, safe, and fuel efficient/environmentally friendly vehicle.

But I won't get started on that biznass because this is already an extremely long post. I guess I'm just trying to make up for lost time, but by doing that I'm taking up your time! So I'll end here with a "thanks for reading" and "have a fabulous day!"

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