"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

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Monday, January 26, 2009

To: Blog Community - From: Me - Re: Junk Faxes

There's nothing that gets my goat quite like junk faxes. Not only are they a waste of time, they're also a waste of paper as they'll no doubt end up in the trash...or hopefully the recycling bin.

This particular fax, however, cracked me right up for two reasons. First, how dumb does the sender think people are?! And two, there truly are dumb people out there who would fall for this silly fax pertaining to a male enhancer. Okay, so that's a third reason why it cracked me up... Male enhancer. (I'm mature.)

I guess I should learn to count because there are a couple more laughable details of this fax... I really love that the receiver of this is supposed to believe that it was accidentally sent to her or him. If a gentleman was to genuinely send such a fax, I'm thinking he would make damn sure to dial the right number.

But I think my favorite part about this junk fax is when "Len" writes to "Bret Z" saying, "Sorry, my cell battery went on me." Really Len? You're cellular died and so instead of picking up a land-line phone you wrote out this detailed fax for your pal Bret? I mean, if you could fax this message you certainly must have a good ol' fashioned phone you could use. Or what about email? I know when I send messages about male enhancers to my friends named Bret, I prefer to email them so as to avoid any potential hand cramps. But hey, that's just me...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All too true, my friend. I get junk faxes ALL the time and they drive me CRAZY.

P.S. I'm glad to see you back in the blogging world. :)
