"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bottomless Beverage of Goodness

Why is bad news pretty much the only news? Why do we need a “spotlight” on good news or good people? Shouldn't good news dominate the airwaves, and newspaper and magazine pages?

Okay, okay so I guess there's more than just bad news in the media. After all, celebrity sightings and gossip also rule the headlines. Oh, and sports and the weather too. And then, as I previously mentioned, there's the occasional "feel good" story. But honestly, our media seems to be drinking from a glass that is half empty because every day I only learn about all things negative. In fact, there is so much emphasis on hurt, crime, and violence that I'm thinking the media's glass must just contain a couple of sips worth of a beverage.

And on a side note, I truly hope that their beverage of choice is water and not some other clear liquid... Sometimes I wonder.

While it is no doubt important to bring these negative sorts of matters to our attention, I feel that it is equally important to bring positive energy to the lives of people. I know that we live in a violent society; really, I'm not naive enough to believe that we live in a fairy tale sort of land or utopia. And I understand that because we live in an imperfect world the media has a duty to report on our imperfections. By no means can we ignore injustices and pretend that everything is fine and dandy, but to use a classic phrase: “violence begets violence.” If all we see, read, and hear is bad news then isn't it likely that we will continue to produce bad news?

Maybe, just maybe if we paid more attention to the good in and around us it would inspire others to do good. Maybe if we had more of a “pay it forward” attitude rather than a “pay back” mentality we might find ourselves in a more positive state. Maybe...

I know this is sensitive and complicated and I do not presume to have the answers in regards to stopping the violence and hurt, but I prefer to believe that there is more good than bad in the world. So instead of just spotlighting the good, let's make the good shine. Let's fill our glasses to the brim and even order a bottomless beverage of goodness. And you know what? Let's order a round of bottomless goodness for the media as well! They certainly can use a refill.


“So let us not become tired of doing good;
for if we do not give up,
the time will come when we will reap the harvest.”

-Galations 6:9-

“My dear friend, do not imitate what is bad,
but imitate what is good.
Whoever does good belongs to God;
whoever does what is bad has not seen God.”

-3 John 11-

“Let us be concerned for one another,
to help one another to show and to do good.”

-Hebrews 10:24-

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