I'm telling you there's good wholesome funny (think Ellen DeGeneres) and spastic funny (a la Mario Cantone) and plain old inappropriate funny (who else but Kathy Griffin). And then... AND THEN there's crazy funny, a kind of funny that embodies all funnies and that, my friends, is Amy Sedaris. Amy is ADD, talented, witty, beautiful, bizarre, crafty, genius, and potentially on crack. All that adds up to one brilliantly hilarious pint sized funny lady. Not to mention that she is a best-selling author for her fabulous book I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence.
If you are unfamiliar with Amy Sedaris do as I said before, Google her, and then search for some fantastically funny video clips of her on YouTube. I assure you, you will not be disappointed. In fact, if you are sad or upset or depressed I am prescribing a healthy dosage of Amy Sedaris. Hell, if you're as happy as a Lutheran at a pot luck (a.k.a. blissful) I still prescribe Amy. She always makes me laugh and I guaran-f'en-tee that she'll make you nearly pee your pants. It doesn't get any better or funnier than that folks.
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