"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Questions to ponder...

  • Why does Carson Daly have a late night talk show? He’s not funny.
  • When teams play in championships, shirts and hats are made in advance for them and should they win they get to sport them on the field or on the court. But what about the losing team? "Champions" shirts and hats were made for them as well, so what happens to those shirts and hats?
  • Who turns on city street lights? I’m sure there is a timer set to turn the lights on at night or something like that, but what about when it's foggy in the middle of the day? Someone has to turn on the lights then. I’d also like to know if there is a giant light switch.
  • Why do celebrities, who have the means to purchase pretty much whatever they want, receive oodles of free stuff? I’m not hate’n, I just find it ironic.
  • Why do characters on TV and in the movies wear backpacks on one shoulder? No one has done that for real since the 90s and besides, it’s not good for your back. If they want to hang a bag on one shoulder why not use a one strap backpack or a messenger bag?
  • Who thought of Hypercolor shirts and why did they stop making them? I so wish that I still had my pink and purple Hypercolor shirt. There's nothing so glamorous as to feel like a chameleon.
  • If you're from North Dakota, as I am, how can you think you're a gangsta? A former classmate of mine is attempting to make it as a rapper and I admit that she's not bad, she can flow. But she makes repeated claims of her gangsta status all the while denying her NoDak roots; she does this, I would imagine, so people will not question her being a gangsta. North Dakota has farmers, business people, some pretty good athletes, Josh Duhamel, and hella fabulous teachers, but we do not have gangstas.
  • Who gave Carson Daly a contract for a late night talk show? Is Ashton punking us?

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