"This is all I have learned: God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." -Ecclesiastes 7:29-

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

More Than Capable

A thirteen year old girl was raped on her way to school this week in St. Paul. Thirteen. A child. I just cannot comprehend this.

How can a person see a young girl and think that she is his for the taking? How does a person get to that point in his life? How does he become a rapist? No one grows up with the dream of, "One day I'm going to be a rapist." Little boys dream of becoming astronauts, doctors, football stars, zoologists... How do they go from that into becoming rapists?

I just... I'm at a complete loss. I mean all violence truly perplexes me. I just don't understand the criminal mind, I guess. I'm not sure I want to. The thing of it is, we may not begin life on a level playing field, but I believe that God has made us all more than capable. We're more than capable of rising above, succeeding, growing, overcoming, thriving, etc.

You know when a scientist makes an important discovery? Or...or...when an athlete wows us in an unfathomable way? And a musician, for example, composes the most beautiful music? Um, or when a person who appears to be at a disadvantage by "normal" standards ends up being completely remarkable by any standard? Do you know what I'm talking about? There's that something. And when these people are asked, "How did you do that? Where did that come from?" Many times the response is, "I don't know really. I just did it. It came to me..." That, that is the "more than capable" business I'm referring to. That is the true you coming to absolute life and it will likely take time and hard work for that birth or rebirth, but it's you. It's so you.

I truly feel that we can all accomplish great feats because God has constructed our beings to be, again, more than capable. He has set purposes for individual lives, but God has also given us free will. He has plans for us and it's up to us to carry them out. So it's in our hands what to do with our capabilities. Just as there are amazing do-gooders there are also horrifying monsters. And sometimes it's a thin line as to which side we will end up on. But it is up to us, it's our decision. We need to take responsibility for who we are. Yes, we're influenced by others, but for good or for bad we are who we are because of the actions we chose to take.

So I urge you--whoever you are and whatever "side" you are on--to choose to take action for good, to do good. The good is there in you. Release it.

"It's our choices [...] that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities."
-J.K. Rowling-

"If you bring forth what is within you,
what you bring forth will save you."
-Gospel of Thomas-

"Each one, as a good manager of God's different gifts,
must use for the good of others the special gift
he has received from God."
-1 Peter 4:8-

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